Please take this survey!

If you received this survey in the mail, please complete it and return it as soon as possible.
Your confidential responses will help us identify health issues and concerns of Larimer County residents.
The 2016 Larimer County Community Health Survey is one of two research efforts that will help the Health District of Northern Larimer County better understand the health, and health-care needs, of the community.
The survey was sent to several thousand randomly selected Larimer County households in early October. The 12-page, 65-question survey covers a broad range of subjects, including personal health, health behaviors—such as diet, physical activity, smoking and alcohol use—and access to health-care services.
If your household was selected to participate in the Community Health Survey, you have until the end of November to complete it. You can return the survey booklet by mail or answer the questions online. You are strongly encouraged to participate. It’s your chance to play an active part in building a healthier community.
All survey responses are completely confidential. The Health District keeps no personal information on individual participants.
The Community Health Survey is a scientifically designed research effort. Only one adult in the household that has been selected can participate. However, anyone can take part in the Community Health Forums that the Health District is hosting this November.
Community Health Forums are public discussions that allow attendees to share their hopes and concerns about local health-care issues. They are open to the public, but reservations are required.
Forums open to the public will be held Wednesday, Nov. 16, 6-7:30 p.m., Health District, 120 Bristlecone Drive, Fort Collins; Thursday, Nov. 17, 4-5 p.m., Fort Collins Senior Center, 1200 Raintree Drive, Fort Collins; and Thursday, Nov. 17, 6-8 p.m., The Family Center/La Familia, 309 Hickory St., Fort Collins (for Spanish-speaking community members). Dinner and a small thank-you gift will be provided. To RSVP for a forum, please contact Katherine Chu, (970) 224-5209,
Both the survey and forums are part of the Health District’s Community Health Assessment process that has occurred every three years since 1995. More than 2,800 Larimer County residents took the last Community Health Survey in 2013, and more than 180 people participated in the public forums.
Information gathered through the Community Health Assessment helps the Health District design programs and services that improve the health of the community. Results also are shared with other local organizations working on health-related issues.
Partial support for this year’s survey comes from Larimer County Department of Health and Environment, North Colorado Health Alliance, TEAM Wellness & Prevention, CanDo Loveland and LiveWell Colorado.
People interested in more information about the 2016 Community Health Survey can call the Health District at (970) 224-5209 or visit
The Health District is a public agency that provides residents of northern Larimer County with dental, mental health, preventive health and end-of-life planning services, in addition to connecting people to more affordable prescription and health insurance options.