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Connections gets new home

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Connections has moved to a new location in Old Town, at 425 W. Mulberry Street, Suite 101.  Connections is a partnership of the Health District and SummitStone Health Partners that offers answers, options, and support to individuals and families looking for help with mental health or substance use concerns, such as depression, anxiety, and drug and alcohol use.

“The Connections team is excited to move to a new space that will provide a more comfortable location for providing client and families with exceptional behavioral health services,” says Kristen Cochran-Ward, Connections program manager. “We will continue to provide services in person by appointment or through our walk-in times, as well as phone consultation, assessment and referrals.”   

Connections services include needs assessment, information and referral, assistance with coordinating and navigating care, brief intervention, and connection to reduced-cost counseling.

The Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Connections (CAYAC) Team, which provides services to young people ages 0-24 years and their families, continues to operate out of its offices at 1302 S. Shields St.

For more information about Connections or to make an appointment, call 970-221-5551 or go to