County residents urged to participate in health survey

A group of Larimer County residents has been given a rare opportunity to help policy makers understand the health-care needs of the area. Chosen at random, these residents recently received a copy of the Community Health Survey in the mail. The Health District of Northern Larimer County is encouraging these individuals to complete the survey to help it and other local organizations plan for a healthier community.
The Health District has conducted the Community Health Survey every three years since 1995. More than 3,500 people completed the last one in 2010. A university-based research firm – Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center (WYSAC) – conducts the survey on behalf of the Health District.
County residents are randomly selected to participate in the survey, which is to be completed by the adult in the household who has the next birthday. This year the survey also can be completed online.
Results from the Community Health Survey are used by the Health District to develop programs and services that improve the health of the community. Information also is shared with other local organizations working on health issues.
Survey questions cover a broad range of subjects, including the health of participants, health behaviors – such diet, physical activity, smoking and seatbelt use – and access to health-care services. This year’s survey also includes questions related to the recent floods and about recreational use of marijuana.
All answers are completely confidential. “We use the highest standards of privacy protection,” said Sue Hewitt, evaluation coordinator for the Health District.
This year, the survey is supported in part by the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment and the North Colorado Health Alliance.
People interested in more information about the 2013 Community Health Survey can call the Health District at 224-5209 or visit