Holiday Connect to Health RV tour coming Dec. 6

Learn more about new health coverage options and meet the people who can help you get covered when the Holiday Connect to Coverage RV tour stops at King Soopers locations in Fort Collins and Loveland Friday, Dec. 6.
Connect for Health Colorado staff and Certified Health Coverage Guides from Larimer Health Connect will meet with the public to answer questions and discuss new health insurance options offered by the new statewide health insurance marketplace. Participants will be eligible to receive King Soopers gift cards, hats and other items. They will also have access to tablets and laptop computers to explore the shopping website.
The Connect to Coverage RV will be in Fort Collins 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the King Soopers, 2602 S. Timberline Road. Then from 2 to 5 p.m., it will be in Loveland at the King Soopers in the Orchards shopping center, 253 E. 29th St.